Rayhil Collaborates with Input Creative Studio to Redefine Brilliance

Rayhil and Input Creative Studio unite to redefine lighting with a series that blends cutting-edge LED technology with visionary design. This partnership is set to transform modern spaces with unparalleled aesthetics and functionality

February 7th, 2024

Rayhil Collaborates with Input Creative Studio to Redefine Brilliance

Rayhil and Input Creative Studio unite to redefine lighting with a series that blends cutting-edge LED technology with visionary design. This partnership is set to transform modern spaces with unparalleled aesthetics and functionality

February 7th, 2024

Rayhil, a pioneer in LED lighting technology, and Input Creative Studio, an acclaimed design firm, are delighted to announce a groundbreaking collaboration that will bring a new series of innovative lighting solutions to the market. This partnership merges Rayhil’s state-of-the-art LED technology with Input Creative Studio’s visionary design approach, setting a new benchmark for excellence in the lighting industry.

The collaboration aims to launch a series that redefines the standards of lighting design, focusing on sustainability, functionality, and aesthetics. This series promises to not only illuminate spaces but also transform them into captivating environments that enhance the human experience.

“Joining forces with Input Creative Studio is a thrilling step forward for us at Rayhil,” said Charles Strasser, CEO of Rayhil. “This new series will showcase the best of both worlds: our advanced LED technology and Input’s innovative design philosophy. Together, we’re crafting not just products, but a new vision for the future of lighting.”

Each piece in the series is conceived with the idea of harmonizing with its environment, offering adaptable lighting solutions that cater to the evolving needs of modern spaces. From commercial settings to intimate residential areas, the collaboration aims to illuminate every space with a unique blend of warmth, efficiency, and style.

Mimicking Sun Movements: The Innovation of Tunable Color Temperature

Tunable color temperature in LED lighting has revolutionized indoor illumination, mirroring the sun’s natural movements throughout the day. This innovation enhances our well-being to boosting productivity

October 12th, 2023

Mimicking Sun Movements: The Innovation of Tunable Color Temperature

Tunable color temperature in LED lighting has revolutionized indoor illumination, mirroring the sun’s natural movements throughout the day. This innovation enhances our well-being to boosting productivity

October 12th, 2023

The introduction of Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology has revolutionized the lighting industry. LEDs are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and versatile, making them the preferred choice for a wide range of applications. One of the most remarkable innovations in LED lighting is the ability to adjust the color temperature, allowing us to mimic the natural changes in sunlight throughout the day. This innovation has transformed our indoor environments, providing a more comfortable and dynamic lighting experience.

Understanding Color Temperature

Before delving into the innovation of tunable color temperature in LED lighting, it’s important to grasp the concept of color temperature. Color temperature is a measure of the warmth or coolness of light, expressed in Kelvin (K). Lower Kelvin values, such as 2700K, produce warm, yellowish light akin to the cozy glow of a candle. In contrast, higher Kelvin values, like 6500K, emit cool, bluish light reminiscent of a bright, clear sky.

Mimicking the Sun’s Movements

The sun’s light is not static; it changes throughout the day, and these changes have a significant impact on our circadian rhythms and overall well-being. Innovations in LED technology have allowed us to replicate these variations by providing tunable color temperature options, essentially creating artificial daylight in indoor spaces.

  1. Morning Warmth: In the morning, sunlight is warm and amber, with color temperatures between 2000K to 3000K. This soft, warm light helps to gently wake us up and get our bodies ready for the day ahead. Tunable LED lighting can mimic this effect, making early mornings more pleasant.
  2. Midday Coolness: As the day progresses, sunlight becomes cooler, with color temperatures in the range of 4000K to 5500K. This cooler light is ideal for productivity and focus, which is why many workspaces now incorporate tunable LEDs to maintain alertness and concentration.
  3. Evening Relaxation: In the evening, the sun’s light warms up again, around 2500K to 3000K, creating a cozy and calming ambiance. Tunable LED lighting can replicate this effect, making it easier to wind down and relax after a long day.

Health Benefits

Tunable color temperature in LED lighting has not only transformed the way we experience indoor spaces but has also been linked to various health benefits. By replicating the natural shifts in sunlight, tunable LEDs can help regulate our circadian rhythms, enhance our mood, and improve overall well-being.

  1. Improved Sleep: Exposure to warm, lower color temperatures in the evening helps signal our bodies that it’s time to wind down, promoting better sleep quality.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: Cooler color temperatures during the day can boost alertness and productivity, making them perfect for workplaces, schools, and other high-activity environments.
  3. Reduced Eye Strain: Tunable LED lighting can help reduce eye strain, as the right color temperature can be chosen to match the specific task at hand, providing optimal visual comfort.


The innovation of tunable color temperature in LED lighting has brought the dynamic qualities of natural sunlight into our indoor spaces. This technology has not only improved our daily experiences but also positively impacted our health and well-being. As these advancements continue, we can expect to see even more customized and intelligent lighting solutions that cater to our individual needs and preferences, ultimately enhancing our quality of life.

Architectural Marvels Shine at Archlight Summit 2023

Archlight Summit 2023 proved to be a captivating showcase of architectural brilliance, with our latest designs garnering acclaim from industry leaders. This recognition fuels our commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining the future of design

September 20th, 2023

Architectural Marvels Shine at Archlight Summit 2023

Archlight Summit 2023 proved to be a captivating showcase of architectural brilliance, with our latest designs garnering acclaim from industry leaders. This recognition fuels our commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining the future of design

September 20th, 2023

In a dazzling display of architectural ingenuity and innovation, Archlight Summit 2023 left an indelible mark on the world of design and construction. This prestigious event, which serves as a convergence point for architects, designers, and industry leaders, provided a captivating glimpse into the future of architecture. In this article, we recap our enthralling journey at Archlight Summit and the profound impact it had on our team.

A Showcase of Architectural Brilliance
Our presence at Archlight Summit was nothing short of spectacular. At our booth, we unveiled our latest architectural creations, each a testament to our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of architectural excellence. Architects, designers, and industry luminaries were captivated by our designs, sparking stimulating discussions and providing invaluable feedback.

Networking, Innovation, and Inspiration
Archlight Summit was not merely a platform for exhibitions; it was a vibrant hub of networking, education, and inspiration. Engaging with fellow enthusiasts and professionals in the field enriched our perspectives and broadened our horizons. The numerous seminars and workshops delved into the latest trends, sustainability practices, and technological advancements, equipping us with the knowledge to chart a sustainable and innovative course for our future projects.

Honoring Architectural Excellence
A pinnacle moment of pride was our recognition at the Innovation Awards ceremony. We were honored for our pioneering approach to architecture, reinforcing our dedication to reimagining what’s possible in the world of design. This accolade further motivates us to continue pushing the envelope and setting new standards for architectural innovation.

A Heartfelt Thanks
We extend our deepest gratitude to the organizers of Archlight Summit for curating an exceptional event that left an indelible mark on our team. This summit was an unforgettable experience, and we eagerly anticipate future editions as we continue our quest for architectural excellence.

What’s Next?
The inspiration and knowledge gained at Archlight Summit have become the cornerstones of our upcoming projects. We invite you to follow our journey on our website and social media channels as we bring these ideas to life, embarking on new architectural marvels that promise to captivate and inspire.
In conclusion, Archlight Summit 2023 was not just an event; it was a celebration of architectural creativity, innovation, and excellence. We leave this summit more motivated and inspired than ever, ready to shape the future of design and construction. Thank you for being part of our incredible journey!

Exploring LED Light Colors for Better Sleep: What Works Best?

Discover the sleep-enhancing potential of LED light colors, from soothing warm tones that reduce blue light impact to calming shades like blue, green, and even sleep-friendly red, creating a serene pre-sleep environment

August 29th, 2023

Exploring LED Light Colors for Better Sleep: What Works Best?

Discover the sleep-enhancing potential of LED light colors, from soothing warm tones that reduce blue light impact to calming shades like blue, green, and even sleep-friendly red, creating a serene pre-sleep environment

August 29th, 2023

Discovering the perfect LED light color for restful sleep involves recognizing its impact on your body’s circadian rhythm. Blue light, emitted by devices, disrupts your sleep cycle by suppressing melatonin. Opt for warm LED tones like soft white (around 2700K) in the evenings to minimize blue light and signal that it’s time to wind down.

Creating an ideal sleep environment goes beyond dimming lights. Dimmable LEDs, gradually adjusted as bedtime nears, help prepare your body for sleep. Exploring calming shades of blue and green, known for their tranquility, can contribute to a serene pre-sleep atmosphere.

Additionally, consider the power of red light. Studies suggest that exposure to red light before sleep has the least impact on melatonin production, making it a potential sleep-friendly choice. Embrace the future of LED sleep-enhancement with smart systems that shift to warmer tones as daylight fades, syncing with your natural rhythm. By choosing the right LED color, incorporating dimmable options, and even experimenting with calming hues like red, you can redefine your sleep space and enjoy nights of uninterrupted rest.

LED Lighting vs. Traditional – Making the Illuminating Choice

LED lighting outshines traditional options with its energy efficiency, durability, and customizable features. Illuminate your space while saving energy and embracing modern technology

August 29th, 2023

LED Lighting vs. Traditional – Making the Illuminating Choice

LED lighting outshines traditional options with its energy efficiency, durability, and customizable features. Illuminate your space while saving energy and embracing modern technology

August 29th, 2023

In the world of lighting, the debate between LED lighting and traditional lighting has been sparking discussions and illuminating choices for consumers. As technology advances, the lighting landscape is undergoing a transformation, and it’s important to understand the differences between these two options to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and preferences.

1. Energy Efficiency: LED lighting stands out as a frontrunner in energy efficiency. Unlike traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) convert a higher percentage of energy into light rather than heat. This not only helps you save on electricity bills but also reduces your carbon footprint, making LED lighting a greener choice for both your wallet and the environment.

2. Longevity: When it comes to lifespan, LED lighting takes the lead by a wide margin. Traditional bulbs tend to burn out after a relatively short time, whereas LEDs can last up to 25,000 to 50,000 hours or more, depending on usage. This means fewer replacements and less hassle in the long run.

3. Durability: LED lights are built to withstand various environmental factors. They are shock-resistant and do not contain fragile components like filaments or glass enclosures, which are often found in traditional bulbs. This makes LEDs more durable and reliable, especially in outdoor and industrial settings.

4. Instant Lighting: LEDs provide instant illumination when switched on, whereas traditional bulbs may require a warm-up period before reaching their full brightness. This feature is particularly beneficial for spaces that demand immediate and consistent lighting.

5. Customizable Lighting: LED technology allows for a range of color options and dimming capabilities, giving you the freedom to customize your lighting ambiance according to your mood or task. Traditional bulbs, on the other hand, often offer limited flexibility in terms of color and dimming.

6. Directional Lighting: LEDs emit light in specific directions, which reduces the need for diffusers and reflectors to achieve desired illumination patterns. This directional lighting not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that the light is focused where it’s needed most.

7. Heat Emission: Traditional bulbs release a significant amount of energy as heat, contributing to wasted energy. LEDs, on the other hand, generate very little heat, making them safer to touch and reducing the risk of fire hazards.

Conclusion: While both LED lighting and traditional lighting have their merits, it’s evident that LED lighting surpasses traditional options in terms of energy efficiency, longevity, durability, instant lighting, customization, directional lighting, and heat emission. Although LED lighting might have a slightly higher upfront cost, the long-term benefits in terms of savings, convenience, and environmental impact make it a wise investment.

As you embark on your lighting journey, consider the unique advantages that LED lighting brings to the table. From its eco-friendly operation to its versatility in lighting design, LED lighting is paving the way for a brighter and more efficient future

Experience the Revolution with the Rib Luminary

Where innovation in lighting design is brought to life. Embrace the transformative power of this cutting-edge luminary and discover a new era of illumination

July 11th, 2023

Experience the Revolution with the Rib Luminary

Where innovation in lighting design is brought to life. Embrace the transformative power of this cutting-edge luminary and discover a new era of illumination

July 11th, 2023

We are excited to introduce the versatile Undercabinet Fixture, revolutionizing the world of undercabinet lighting. Unlike traditional strip profiles and covers, this sleek and finished fixture seamlessly integrates into any space, providing a modern and clutter-free lighting solution. With both AC and DC capabilities, it offers flexibility in installation, accommodating various power sources and existing electrical systems. Available in customizable lengths, you can select the perfect size to suit your space, ensuring optimal lighting coverage and desired ambiance. Engineered with advanced LED technology, this fixture delivers high efficiency, reducing energy consumption while maintaining optimal illumination levels. Say goodbye to outdated lighting solutions and embrace the future of undercabinet lighting with our innovative Undercabinet Fixture.

Experience the revolution in undercabinet lighting with our versatile Undercabinet Fixture. Its seamless design and finished appearance eliminate the need for additional coverings or profiles, delivering a streamlined and sophisticated look to your space. With both AC and DC capabilities, installation is a breeze, allowing for flexible integration with different power sources and existing electrical systems. Choose from a range of customizable lengths to ensure the perfect fit for your space, delivering optimal lighting coverage and the desired ambiance. Powered by advanced LED technology, this fixture offers high efficiency, reducing energy consumption while providing optimal illumination levels. Upgrade your undercabinet lighting today and discover the endless possibilities that our innovative Undercabinet Fixture brings to your home or workspace.

Introducing Our Que Track Light System

Introducing the game-changing Que Track Light System! With adjustable track heads, it offers unmatched flexibility and precision to illuminate any space, revolutionizing the way we approach lighting design.

July 11th, 2023

Introducing Our Que Track Light System

Introducing the game-changing Que Track Light System! With adjustable track heads, it offers unmatched flexibility and precision to illuminate any space, revolutionizing the way we approach lighting design.

July 11th, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest innovation, the Que Track Light System! Designed to revolutionize the world of lighting, this cutting-edge system combines functionality, versatility, and sleek aesthetics. With its adjustable track heads, the Que Track Light System allows for effortless customization, enabling you to direct light precisely where you need it most. Whether you’re illuminating a gallery, enhancing a retail space, or adding ambiance to a residential setting, this state-of-the-art system offers unparalleled flexibility and control. Experience the future of lighting with the Que Track Light System and unlock endless possibilities in design and ambiance.

View Our Spring 2023 Catalog

Introducing our new Spring Catalog, featuring our latest lighting products and solutions.

May 1st, 2023

View Our Spring 2023 Catalog

Introducing our new Spring Catalog, featuring our latest lighting products and solutions.

May 1st, 2023

Introducing our new Spring Catalog, featuring our latest lighting products and solutions. Discover our wide range of options, including our innovative Rove Linear Series, our energy-efficient Sonic Recessed Downlight Series, and many more. Our Spring Catalog showcases our commitment to delivering cutting-edge lighting solutions that seamlessly integrate into any space, providing both style and performance. With easy-to-use navigation and detailed product information, our Spring Catalog makes it easy for you to find the right lighting solution for your needs. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to explore the latest in lighting design. Order your copy of our Spring Catalog today!

Introducing the Rove Linear Series

Introducing our new Rove Linear Series, a seamless, linkable lighting solution that offers unparalleled flexibility and functionality

May 1st, 2023

Introducing the Rove Linear Series

Introducing our new Rove Linear Series, a seamless, linkable lighting solution that offers unparalleled flexibility and functionality

May 1st, 2023

Introducing our new Rove Linear Series, a seamless, linkable lighting solution that offers unparalleled flexibility and functionality. With multiple lengths, finishes, and other options to choose from, our Rove Linear Series can be customized to fit any space, whether it’s a residential, commercial, or industrial application. The sleek and modern design seamlessly blends into any environment, delivering both style and performance. Our Rove Linear Series features high-quality LED technology, providing bright and uniform lighting that enhances any space’s visual appeal. Whether you need it for accent lighting, task lighting, or general illumination, our Rove Linear Series is the perfect choice.

At the heart of our Rove Linear Series is its seamless linkability, allowing for easy installation and configuration. With our linkable system, you can easily connect multiple fixtures to create a continuous, unbroken line of light, eliminating dark spots and enhancing the space’s overall ambiance. Our Rove Linear Series is also highly energy-efficient, with its LED technology providing significant energy savings compared to traditional lighting solutions. With its versatile and customizable features, our Rove Linear Series is a smart investment for any project looking for a lighting solution that delivers both style and performance.

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